With a few from Llangefni 1999 thrown in for luck.
Click on the photos for a full-sized version.
 There are about 6,000
cars in the improvised car parks around the maes.
best way to keep track of your car is to fix a
flag on it, so you can find it again.
 When you get
through the turnstiles you find yourself in a
huge tented city.
 The Denbigh site
was a very attractive one, with hills in the
distance and oak trees around the maes.
sorts of organisations are represented, including
universities, charities, government bodies, trade
unions and publishers. . .
 . . .as
well as dozens of shops. Its a place to wander
around, browsing, buying, chatting and meeting
may come across an impromptu performance by a
choir or dance troupe, or be accosted by. . .
 . . .colourful
characters advertising some cause or other.
Eisteddfod has everything: police and ambulance
stations, radio and television studios, a post
office. . .
. .and a bank, with the all-important cash
 Useful if you need to buy a
harp. . .
 . . .or just a
pair of boxer shorts with the Welsh flag on.
course they dont just sell harps and pants.
sell everything from second-hand books to garden
furniture. . .
. .to speciality cheeses to grand pianos. . .
unfortunately I only have pictures of harps.
 But its not just
shops. Theres a fully-equipped theatre, a dance
venue, a sound stage and a meeting hall.
 The queue outside the
literature tent for one of the most popular
events: the improvised competitive versifying
contests. The weather is starting to look iffy,
and with anything up to 200,000 visitors during
the week, the ground soon turns into a swamp.
 If you
havent got your wellies, you can always do like
the old ladies and tie plastic carrier bags on
your feet.
 But the whole place is
dominated by the mighty Pavilion, where the
central ceremonies are held. It holds 4,000
people, apparently. And a lot of druids.
 Round the back
are big changing rooms for the contestants and
 After the
ceremonies you may catch a glimpse of the Gorsedd
processing out.
polystyrene cup is not part of the uniform.
cant remember what the woman in blue does
sword that is used during the ceremony in that
quaint mock execution ritual. . .
 . . .precedes
the Archdruid and the newly-crowned bard,
chatting away.
 Often they are
button-holed by a camera crew for a quick
 . . .which makes
a handy photo opportunity.
 When you leave
the site during the day they stamp you hand so
you can get back in again. Useful if you suffer a
sudden identity crisis too, and forget who you are.
[Me = Mercher = Wednesday]
 Here, the left-hand banner-carrier
appears to recounting to the sword-bearer a
certain episode involving one of the flower-girls,
which he is rather proud of, but which she would
rather forget all about.
 Youll probably
just have to take my word for it, but this book
describes this site as "one of the best
websites for finding Welsh learning resources".
[Julie Brake, Y Gymraeg ac e-addysg,
in Cyflwynor Gymraeg: llawlyfr i
diwtoriaid, ed. Christine Jones. Llandysul:
Gwasg Gomer, ISBN 1-85902-903-5, £9.95]